My Naturewatch Camera

My Naturewatch Camera Book out now on Amazon

Now supporting Pi Zero 2 W!

Pi Zero 2 W now works with the new version of the My Naturewatch Camera software (v1.7)!

Get it here:

FYI the red light on the camera doesn't turn on when you use a Pi Zero 2 W. This is because Raspberry Pi have removed this functionality themselves from the device.

Bird Bath

You will need

  • MyNaturewatch Standard Camera

  • a shallow, watertight bowl of some kind
    (upturned dustbin lid, a large circular plant tray)

  • Some stones or gravel

  • Bricks to raise the bowl up if it doesn't have a plinth

  • Rainwater or tap water

Fill the base of shallow waterproof Container with Gravel. A bowl, dustbin lid or tray is ideal.

  1. Elevate your birdbath on a few bricks, so as to protect it from cats and squirrels.

  2. Fill it with Rainwater or Tap Water and position a few rocks to emerge above the water-line.

  3. Positioning your MyNaturewatch camera is open to interpretation - it works well in an overhead position, facing the bird bath or even in the pond. Be imaginative.

Useful Links:

Hole in Fence


You will need

Cut a hole at the Bottom of your Fence about 13x13cm. This will be big enough for a Hedgehog to pass through, but too small for most pets.

  1. Position your myNaturewatch Camera close to the Hole and see what visitors come your way.

  2. Encouraging Neighbours to do the same will help create a ‘Hedgehog Highway’.

    Useful Links:

Basin Pond

You will need

  • MyNaturewatch Standard Camera

  • normal sized washing up bowl or big bucket

  • washed gravel to cover the bottom of the bowl a few inches depth

  • 2 or 3 suitable aquatic plants

  • Enough rainwater to fill the bowl

  • Old bricks or logs to surround the bowl

Find a shady spot in your Garden to create your Pond

  1. Line the base of a waterproof Basin or Tub with washed pebbles or sand.

  2. Create platforms and shelter within the empty pond by arranging upturned pots and rocks.

  3. Add in a few aquatic plants

  4. Fill your Pond with rainwater

  5. Build steps to your pond by placing rocks and logs around it.

  6. Construct a Camera mount close to the pond using using garden canes or timber and cable ties. The positioning of the camera is open to interpretation - it works well in an overhead position, facing the pond or even in the pond. Be imaginative! 

    Useful Links:

My Naturewatch v1.3 is ready!

Over the last year we have been testing and developing a beta version of the My Naturewatch camera software.  We received lots of valuable feedback from camera makers that have been using the new features. We are now very excited to announce that we have rolled out version 1.3 of the software as a full release.

This version is able to capture full HD video - and not just any old video. It has circular recording, which means that it captures 5 seconds before the action happens, as well as 10 seconds after, giving you the chance to see animals walk into shot. It also comes with a new interface that is more lightweight, more responsive, and allows you to choose whether to capture videos or photos.

Here’s a list of the new features:

  • Circular video recording in full HD (1080p)! Animal action is captured by recording 5 seconds before the action happened and 10 seconds after.

  • Improved interface. The camera’s webpage interface has been rebuilt from scratch to add new features and work across more devices

  • New gallery. The gallery has been reworked to improve the deleting and downloading experience.

  • Home network. The camera can now join a home network with a configuration file.

  • Compatibility across more Pis. The software now works on Pi Zero W, 3A+, 3B+ and 4.

  • More bug fixes!

As always, there are a few caveats you should watch out for:

• To log in, you should now use the IP address

• Downloading videos on mobile devices is currently unavailable (we're working on it!).

• Startup time has increased slightly due to a safer, more reliable way of turning on the software.

The software is accompanied by updated ‘Make your Camera’ and ‘Using your Camera’ Instructions pages where you will find links to the new software as well as advanced features and troubleshooting pages.


Naturewatch v1 Beta - Video support, new interface and more!

After a long development process, We are happy to announce that we have finally rolled out a beta version of version 1! This version is able to capture full HD video - and not just any old video. It has circular recording, which means that it captures 5 seconds before the action happens, as well as 10 seconds after, giving you the chance to see animals walk into shot. It also comes with a new interface that is more lightweight, more responsive, and allows you to choose whether to capture videos or photos.

Here's a list of features:

  • Full HD (1080p) video, 15 seconds

  • New interface built from the ground up

  • New gallery allows you to selectively delete, loads faster, and allows video playback

  • WiFi has unique name to avoid multiple cameras having the same name

As always, there are a few caveats you should watch out for:

  • The default WiFi name has changed to MyNaturewatchCam (plus the Raspberry Pi's unique serial number). The website address and password are still the same.

  • If you're using the IP address to log in, it has changed and is now

  • Downloading videos on mobile devices is currently unavailable (we're working on it!).

  • Startup time has increased slightly due to a safer, more reliable way of turning on the software.

  • Please hang in there while we update the usage instructions on the main website.

  • This is still a beta! Expect a few bugs.

Please let us know what you think. You can report problems on the Forum. Be constructive and as detailed as possible in your reports. Do ensure you have set up a normal My Naturewatch Camera before venturing into this exciting new beta.

Download here:


Calling out to camera makers!


We would love to visit some of you to hear about your experiences with My Naturewatch cameras directly. We are reaching out to our community to find makers who might be interested in chatting to our team. If you are based in South East, Middlesex, Essex or London and would like to share your insights over a cup of tea (we’ll bring the biscuits!) drop us a message at

 My Naturewatch Team