Basin Pond

You will need

  • MyNaturewatch Standard Camera

  • normal sized washing up bowl or big bucket

  • washed gravel to cover the bottom of the bowl a few inches depth

  • 2 or 3 suitable aquatic plants

  • Enough rainwater to fill the bowl

  • Old bricks or logs to surround the bowl

Find a shady spot in your Garden to create your Pond

  1. Line the base of a waterproof Basin or Tub with washed pebbles or sand.

  2. Create platforms and shelter within the empty pond by arranging upturned pots and rocks.

  3. Add in a few aquatic plants

  4. Fill your Pond with rainwater

  5. Build steps to your pond by placing rocks and logs around it.

  6. Construct a Camera mount close to the pond using using garden canes or timber and cable ties. The positioning of the camera is open to interpretation - it works well in an overhead position, facing the pond or even in the pond. Be imaginative! 

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