Bird Bath

You will need

  • MyNaturewatch Standard Camera

  • a shallow, watertight bowl of some kind
    (upturned dustbin lid, a large circular plant tray)

  • Some stones or gravel

  • Bricks to raise the bowl up if it doesn't have a plinth

  • Rainwater or tap water

Fill the base of shallow waterproof Container with Gravel. A bowl, dustbin lid or tray is ideal.

  1. Elevate your birdbath on a few bricks, so as to protect it from cats and squirrels.

  2. Fill it with Rainwater or Tap Water and position a few rocks to emerge above the water-line.

  3. Positioning your MyNaturewatch camera is open to interpretation - it works well in an overhead position, facing the bird bath or even in the pond. Be imaginative.

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