Stage 5/6: Testing the Freader and Freader Hub
Now that you’ve finished Registering a Freader with the Freader Hub you have all the components you need to start testing your kit. This should take 20 minutes or less.
In this step, we will check that an RFID PIT Tag is picked up by the Freader Coil, and then that it is logged on the Freader Hub Interface. We’ll go over what data you can then view and edit within the Freader Hub Interface.
A completed Freader board and hardware assembly created in Stage 1 & 2
A Freader Hub created in Stage 3 registered with a Freader from Stage 4
Useful Tools and Accessories
A computer, tablet or a smartphone
*Note: The Freaders currently can only read EM4102 PIT Tags like these.
5.1 In preparation for this step, if you detached the Freader Boards from the bird feeders to register them (a suggestion from 3.12) , re-attach them to the Freader Coil and the Bird Feeder as per Stage 2. Make sure the Rechargeable AA Batteries are also charged.
5.2 Make sure your Freader Hub is plugged into the mains or powered with a USB Battery.
5.3 Similarly to stage 4.2, while viewing these instructions, also connect on the same or a different device to the Freader Hub Interface via the Hub’s wifi. The wifi network name is 'freaderhub'. The wifi password is 'badgersandfoxes'
5.4 Once connected to freaderhub wifi, open any internet browser and visit the following webpage to access the Freader Hub interface:
The login name is 'admin'. The password is 'adminpass' .
5.5 When you register an individual Freader (as per Stage 4) it will appear in the Freaders tab at the bottom of the list with the name you gave it (you might need to refresh the page to see it).
You have the option of editing the name of each registered Freader here, as well as entering its latitude and longitude. It is recommended that you do not edit the Feeder Stub unless you have previous experience doing so. The Freaders tab also provides information on the last communication with the server (known as a ‘ping’) and shows the signal connection strength of the Freader as ‘Poor, Fair, Good or Excellent. The Signal Strength will diminish as the distance between the Freader and the Freader Hub increases.
5.6 The Birds tab is where you add RFID PIT Tags to the Hub’s registry so that it can link them to a name and other metadata. We will add a Tag now, as a pre-emptive test so that you know that the Freader is functioning before deploying it in your study.
Note: It is highly recommended that you add all the RFID PIT Tags you’ll use in a study, before putting them on the birds, to check that everything is working correctly. However, every time a registered Freader picks up a new RFID PIT Tag it is automatically added to the bottom of the Bird List. That means your Feeder will pick-up Birds wearing unknown RFID PIT Tags once the study is live, and you’ll have the option to name and rename them then.
5.7 Whilst looking at the Birds tab, pick a RFID PIT Tag and hold it over the centre of the Freader Coil for 5 seconds. Refresh the page. Your RFID PIT Tag should appear on the bottom of the Birds tab list.
Note 1: The Freaders currently can only read EM4102 PIT Tags like these.
Note 2: When testing the Freaders with an RFID PIT Tag, make sure this is during daytime (7am - 5pm) as the Freaders are automatically put to sleep outside of these times and wont register the Tag.
5.8 In the Birds tab you can use the edit button (pencil symbol) to name an RFID PIT Tag that doesn’t yet have a name. It's recommended that you rename the ‘Bird Name’ only and leave the ‘RFID Tag’ as is.
5.9 The other way to add a new RFID PIT Tag manually by typing in the RFID Tag number and clicking 'Add New Bird'
5.10 The Waypoints tab is your main database of RFID PIT Tags readings. It includes the RFID Tag Number and associated Bird Name, the Freader at which the Tag was read, and the Date & Time of this occurrence. This Database can be downloaded by pressing the CSV button. The ‘x’ Action allows you to remove individual readings.
5.11 The Events tab shows every communication between the Freader Hub and the Freaders. It displays power-ups, updates, freader readings and pings. You can delete individual event entries by using the ‘x’ button.
You’ve now completed Stage 5/6 ‘Navigating the Freader Hub Interface’. When you’re ready please move onto Stage 6/6 ‘Deploying, Troubleshooting and Maintenance’